2007 Technomax SC4 WS-N Panel Saw, 220V, 60 Hz, 22 Amp, 2 Phase, S/N KK088638.

Lot #0002: 2007 Technomax SC4 WS-N Panel Saw, 220V, 60 Hz, 22 Amp, 2 Phase, S/N KK088638.

Bidding is closed.
High Bid:$6,400.00
Current Bid: $6,400.00
Tax: GST
Time Remaining: Closed (bidding was extended)
Bidding Ended: Thu, Mar 17  10:04:28 am MT
High Bidder: Gogglesp
Bid Increment:
Item has been viewed 1,244 times.


Buyer responsible for load out - 4000 Lbs capacity forklift available to assist. The size and/or weight of this unit may exceed lifting capacity on site.
